The Corner

McCain: Cutting Off DHS Funding ‘Would Be Terrible’

The president’s executive order on immigration may be lawless, says Arizona senator John McCain, but cutting off Department of Homeland Security funding to check it “would be terrible.”

“The American people didn’t give us a majority to have a fight between House and Senate Republicans,” the 2008 GOP presidential candidate told Meet the Press’s Chuck Todd on Sunday morning. “We cannot — we cannot — cut funding for the Department of Homeland Security. We need to sit down and work this thing out, and there [are] ways we can address what the president did, [which] was unconstitutional, but it is not through cutting – shutting down — the Department of Homeland Security. It’s too serious.”

The deadline for authorizing DHS funding is February 27.

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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