The Corner

Mass Deportation of ‘Undocumented Migrants’ — Don’t Bother Me with That When There’s Occupation Going On!

Pakistan is kicking 1.7 million Afghans out of the country.

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They’ve had it with “undocumented migrants” flooding their country, committing rampant crime — including some violent attacks — taxing police resources, and stressing social services. So they’re booting them out — mass deportation.

Oh, the “they”? That would be the Pakistanis.

Islamabad has begun the mass deportation of 1.7 million Afghans, including 600,000 who fled to what passed for sanctuary in Pakistan when the Taliban retook Afghanistan in 2021 — as well as hundreds of thousands more who fled from Taliban rule the first time around.

Sounds like Islamophobia to me!

The mass deportation decision was announced early last month, with November 1 given as the deadline for voluntary departure. About a quarter-million illegal immigrants left. Now, in the week since the deadline, the forcible apprehension and deportation initiative has begun. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has let it be known that the “international community” is very alarmed. But the Pakistanis have told the U.N. to pound sand.

Since then, the “international community” has not had much to say. Who has time to fret over the forced deportation of nearly 2 million people when there is ranting to be done about the “occupation” of 2 million people who are not actually occupied — but who, rather, chose to be governed by Hamas?

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