The Corner

Politics & Policy

Marco Rubio’s Official Statement on #TacoGate

You may have heard that Jill Biden compared Latinos to breakfast tacos yesterday. It was a grievously offensive sentiment — tantamount to violence, some might even say. Painful comments such as Biden’s reopen old historical wounds and remind us of our nation’s long, dark history of comparing Hispanic Americans to breakfast food. Here at NR, our thoughts are with the LatinX community, in what we can only imagine is a very difficult and painful time for them. 

But many of the greatest statesmen of the Western tradition — Lincoln, Churchill, and so on — arose in moments of turmoil, responding to the call of duty when their nations needed them most. So it was with Marco Rubio, whose powerful statement on #TacoGate will go down alongside the Gettysburg Address and Pericles’s funeral oration in the pantheon of political rhetoric: 

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