The Corner


Many good points made.

S.S. writes:

I have been following the panning that Governor Jindal received Tuesday night, and am a little puzzled at those who appear to be jumping off the bandwagon. I too, eagerly anticipated his remarks, and cannot argue at all that he won on style points. However, those who were watching the pseudo SOTU address and the rebuttal afterward are largely the political junkies like myself who already have an entrenched political position and are not easily moved. The fact that Jindal did not provide the red meat to some on Tuesday night is not nearly as consequential as to how he came off on the Today show the following morning. There, he went in to hostile territory and made the conservative case very well. Particularly to the audience that matters, those voters who get their news and information from what passes for news outlets in today’s reality.

We should be learning lessons about those who can only read a teleprompter or be effective in friendly environments. What would you rather have, a Sarah Palin-like performance at the Republican Convention, or a Bobby Jindal who can chew up and spit out a Charlie Gibson or Katie Couric in a one on one – and smile while he’s doing it?

S.D. writes:

I don’t [think] that I’d say vanguards are always by definition elites. In military terms, they usually are. But they are also sometimes just cannon fodder.

D.B. writes:

I just saw your post about the reader complaining about NRO not providing a readers comment section. [I’ve] read the whole spectrum of reader comments on several other sites: Most of the time reader comments are the most whiny, unintelligent, factually inaccurate drivel. I am for one glad that NRO does not allow this practice. Besides, most of the Corner posters will paste in a reader’s comment they feel are worthy of sharing (hint hint).  I know Kathryn pasted me in once and it was a great day for me.

You didn’t have to hint. You had me at “drivel.”

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