The Corner

The Mackinac Conference

For you sensible folks who do other things with your weekends besides refresh the Corner constantly, you may want to read up on the Mackinac Conference in Michigan this weekend, attended by all of the the top-tier presidential candidates. NRO was there.

Attorney General Mike Cox (R) had been chairman to John McCain’s Michigan campaign but dumped him last Monday. He might have been a bit embarrassed when the Arizona senator showed up, gave a great speech, riled up the crowd, and placed second in the straw poll.

Giuliani was impressive in his speech Friday night, but he came in behind Ron Paul in the straw poll.

Thompson met the press Saturday afternoon. He’s still down with McCain-Feingold. He spoke in the evening and was not so impressive.

Nor was Mitt Romney, who, being the favored son and having the best organization, still won the straw poll easily.

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