The Corner

Mac Help!

Okay here is the dilemma/situation. I have new cable modem. I have successfully created a new WiFi network (JGHOME1) in our new accomodations. Both my laptop and Jessica’s are successfully on it. Connected to internet, hunky dory. So, I’m setting up my Desktop computer and

A) it can barely receive the WiFi signal (if it at all. I’m not completely convinced it’s not picking something up from my laptop).

B) While it says — when it gets the signal — that it can join JGHOME and it even says it’s connected to the internet via airport, there is zero web access.

C) Meanwhile, my laptop receives the base station signal full throttle from the exact same position.

So, questions: Could it be hardware problem? i.e. could the Desktop’s airport card just suck? But even if that were the case, why can’t I get on the web when it receives a tiny bit of the signal? Is it possible that the Desktop thinks there are two JGHOME1s? I may have created a network on the Desktop thinking I was joining the existing one. Is such a thing a possible?

The best, quickest, clearest and most successful answer to this question will earn you my eternal gratitude, a coveted “no-prize,” and — should you wish it — thanks by name in the Corner.

Since I have complete faith in you people, please watch this space for when I declare “problem solved!” so that I don’t get deluged with superfluous email for the next 24 hours. But please….HELP!

UPDATE:Thanks top everybody. The consensus so far is that my Desktop’s WiFi antenna is loose/improperly installed. I will investigate that when I get the geekterone (that’s geek + testosterone) to open up the computer and fiddle with that stuff.

However, while I was sweating and cursing, my wife noticed that there’s a cable line in this office/walk-in closet. So, I simply moved the cable modem in here. Attached the desktop by ethernet straight to the base station and I’m golden. Much appreciation for everybody who offered to help.

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