The Corner

The M-Factor

There’s something to this (an e-mail):

I fault the media with fueling Romney’s “Mormon problem.” For the first year of his campaign, it was one of the major themes that the media always kept bringing up.  Chicken or the egg? I don’t know but it certainly kept the issue front and center.  Now the spate of post mortems will replay the issue in order to put the nail in the coffin of any future national political opportunity for Romney.

As did you, I listened to his speech yesterday, and there hasn’t been one better in this political season. Romney gets it.  He sees the relationship between the cultural, social, economic and security challenges facing our country.  He carried a message that flies in the face of today’s degraded popular culture.  When was the last time you heard a Presidential candidate talk about the problem of the pervasive presence of pornography in our culture?

The media elite do not want him precisely because he connects those dots and because he stands foursquare in opposition to the values they advance.  They will flag his Mormonism as a problem (fueling bigotry) because it serves the purpose of stopping Romney.  If they had never asked the question and kept it before the voter as an issue, would it have become an issue?  They never raised it with George Romney) and they don’t use it to discredit Harry Reid.  “the mormon Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, etc.

You don’t see a constant drumbeat about whether an evangelical former pastor can get elected? 

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