The Corner

Low, Really Low, Ratings For Congress

The new Gallup poll also has some ominous news for Republican leaders in Congress, in the answer to the basic question, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?”

Approve 29

Disapprove 64

No opinion 7

The 29 percent approval rating for Congress is down six points from last month and is the lowest such rating since the last months of 1994, when it hit 23 percent just before the landmark election giving Republicans control of the House and Senate. Since then, it has fallen as low as 30 percent three times, in August and September 1995, in May 1996, and in April 1997. (In 1998, when Republicans barely kept control of the House during the impeachment controversy, Congress’ approval rating stood at 44 percent.)

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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