The Corner

Louis Farrakhan’s Son, the Fake Cop

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:

The Nation of Islam styles him its “Supreme Captain” — a potential successor to his controversial father, Minister Louis Farrakhan.

But when he’s working for the Harvey Police Department, Mustapha Farrakhan is just a regular part-time cop.

If, that is, he’s actually working for the Harvey Police Department.

Farrakhan, 52, certainly has a police badge from the crime-plagued south suburb.

He drives an unmarked Harvey Police squad car, complete with flashing police lights, and parks it outside his home at night.

And he’s been registered with the state as a gun-carrying Harvey cop since 2006.

But he hasn’t worked a single shift in more than four years, according to state records. If he’s ever made an arrest, Harvey’s police chief is unwilling to discuss it.

Don’t worry, though, Mustapha’s not doing nothing with the privilege:

Officer Farrakhan does, though, appear to do “police work” off-duty, more than a dozen miles outside Harvey city limits, in Chicago, where he uses his Harvey squad car’s lights to stop traffic and escorts his father’s unofficial motorcade, a Chicago Sun-Times investigation has found.

The unusual arrangement that allows him to carry a concealed gun into places where regular citizens can’t, and to drive a police car, despite apparently failing to do regular police work for the suburb that employs him, may be especially useful to the man who leads the Nation of Islam’s “Fruit of Islam” security detail.

Yes, I daresay that must be jolly useful for the family Farrakhan. The rest here.

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