The Corner


Liz Warren Wins a Bronze Medal in Massachusetts

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren waves to supporters at her Super Tuesday night rally in Detroit, Mich., March 3, 2020. (Rebecca Cook/Reuters)

In February, after finishing in fourth place in New Hampshire with 9.2 percent of the vote, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign accused the media of being biased against her because TV “networks played Vice President Biden’s speech from South Carolina despite the fact that he left the state before polls closed—but not Elizabeth’s even though she outperformed him by 0.8 points.

On Tuesday night, Joe Biden won Massachusetts and Warren finished in third place behind Bernie Sanders in her home state. Now, some in the biased, anti-Warren media are at it again. This Politico article suggests that finishing in third place in one’s home state is pretty bad:

The media could just as easily be focusing on the fact that Warren won another bronze medal—tying her personal best performance—in Massachusetts on Tuesday. With news that Michael Bloomberg (who finished ahead of Warren nationwide in total votes) may soon drop out, Warren could easily take home many more bronze medals in her race against Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Congratulations, Senator Warren!

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