The Corner

A Little Disappointment in Republicanland

I’ve gotten some mail that has surprised me. Earlier, we were talking about the 49th and 50th states — Alaska and Hawaii (which have given us a nominee each this year). And the 48th state (Arizona) and the first state (Delaware).

I got about three letters that said, “I guess the only state you can’t be from is the 45th state.” And the meaning quickly became clear: Romney was passed over; and he did not come out on top in the Republican primaries. Because of anti-Mormon prejudice? Many astute political analysts think so, on both the Republican and Democratic sides.

I understand this disappointment, bitterness-tinged. And may I tell a quick joke prompted by the phrase “passed over”? I think it was the funniest thing I ever heard Bob Hope say. One year, hosting the Academy Awards, he said, “Welcome to the Oscars, or, as it’s known in my house, Pass-over.”

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