The Corner

The Line On De Lay

Next couple of days there will be a lot of gleeful liberals and Republicans claiming that this really does make it possible for Dems to take over the House and Senate in 2006. Here’s how it will work. Comparisons, immediately, to the indictment of powerful Democrat Dan Rostenkowski in 1994 adding to the sense that Democrats were out of touch with ordinary Americans and helping bring about the GOP landslide in November 1994. Corrupt Dems in 1994 = corrupt Repubs in 2005. Add to the DeLay indictiment the talk about Bill Frist’s stock sale and you have major-league talking points for Democrats all over the country. People will say that as it was with Rosty and the Dems, so it will be with DeLay and the GOP. There will also be comparisons between Bush’s problematic poll position in 2005 after Katrina and Clinton’s troubles after the failure of health care in 1994.

Brace yourself. It’s gonna get ugly.

John Podhoretz, a New York Post columnist for 25 years, is the editor of Commentary.
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