The Corner

Limbaugh On Levin

Rush Limbaugh, writing in the Wall Street Journal today doesn’t let Senate Democrat Carl Levin get away with calling the President a liar on WMDs. Rush asks, “What did Carl Levin know in 1998 that he doesn’t know now?”

Rush writes:

The problem with Mr. Levin pointing a finger of accusation at the Bush administration is that he’s also pointing three fingers at himself. You see, Mr. Levin also serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and has for some time. Presumably, he knows something about Iraq’s weapons programs. So, when he repeatedly insisted that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, was he “shading intelligence information” or did he “exaggerate or overstate . . . intelligence information?”

Rush’s piece is here. I think that is a subscriber-only link, subscribe to National Review and pick up the WSJ on the newsstand today.

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