The Corner

“Lies” and Tire Gauges

Jonathan Chait has now written three posts saying that McCain is ”lying” by saying that Obama’s energy plan consists of having people check their tires, and asking why Obama doesn’t say so. A few points. First, Obama does say so. Speaking of the Republicans’ tire-gauge tactics, Obama has said that “they know they’re lying about what my energy plan is.” Second, I don’t think it is reasonable to take McCain as literally meaning that Obama has no other energy proposals, and I don’t think anyone who hears McCain assumes that Obama has no other energy proposals. When Democrats say that McCain is running for Bush’s third term, they are not “lying” even though, well, Bush will not be serving a third term. It’s campaign hyperbole, and everyone understands it as such.

When Obama says that if people inflated their tires we would save more energy than we would get by drilling, it isn’t a lie, either. It is just an ignorant statement. It’s like he takes pride in his pomposity.

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