The Corner


Liberal Women Oppose Gender Ideology — Listen to Why

From left: Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, National Review’s Madeleine Kearns, Dr. Julia Long, and Venice Allan. (National Review)

The Equality Act is on the Democratic agenda this session of Congress and would continue the legacy of former president Obama in expanding sex to include “gender identity” — both for civil-rights protection and for federally funded entities. As I explained in two recent articles for National Review, this sinister creep of “gender identity” ideology into federal law is particularly distressing for women and parents.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (mom of four), Venice Allan (mom of two), and Dr. Julia Long (activist and researcher), are liberals from England who traveled to the U.S. last week to partner with American women in resisting gender identity laws. Their trip generated much controversy on the Left — both for their associations with conservatives and for their confrontation of Sarah McBride, a male transgender lobbyist who identifies as a woman. The details of their trip are well documented here.

After spending some time with them, I invited them into the National Review podcast studio in New York to discuss more of these issues. Here they are in their own words and delightful accents . . .



Madeleine Kearns is a former staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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