The Corner

Libby Up-Update

Sorry for the delay.  It turns out a juror read or saw something about the case over the weekend — not sure what it was or whether it could have influenced the juror.  So now the judge, in private, is questioning all the jurors to determine if that is a problem or not.  Much sitting around in the courtroom.

As always, though, when jury deliberations go on for a while — this is day four — there is speculation about a hung jury.  We have no evidence of that, although some observers have long had a gut feeling that, after listening to all the evidence in this case, a reasonable juror might conclude that there were so many bad memories, and so much gossip about Valerie Plame Wilson, and so many political agendas going on that the indictment of Libby — and the non-indictment of, say, Richard Armitage — just makes no sense.  But that’s all speculation, and all we know now is that the deliberations are on hold while the jurors are questioned.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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