The Corner

NR Webathon

Let’s Make Sure the Cancelers Don’t Win

National Review Editor in Chief Rich Lowry reacts on Real Time with Bill Maher, September 6, 2024. (Real Time with Bill Maher/YouTube)

One thing I’ve learned is that during a cancellation, you find out who your friends are — and that emphatically includes all of you.

I’m so grateful for all the messages of support — in the comments, and via texts and phone calls.

I can’t thank my colleagues enough who have been fierce in defense of my reputation and the principle of free speech.

The support from friends (and some ideological foes) on the right, as well as from honest voices on the left, has been gratifying and heartening.

And then there’s this little fundraiser to send me to speak around the country on a “Cancellation Tour,” which has gone gangbusters over the last 48 hours.

We are at a little over $40,000 now and trying to finish at $60,000 — as a middle finger to the cancelers and a guarantee of sending me far and wide.

If you can, please chip in any amount from $5 to $5,000.

The cancelers count on being able to smear and bully their way to their objective of silencing those they target. The only appropriate response is truth and fearlessness.

That is what I have offered in my defense, and that’s what NR has brought to its defense of the unfairly targeted ever since this pernicious phenomenon arose years ago.

We want to make a statement that cancelers can’t and won’t succeed — rather than isolating me, they’ve rallied people to my side; rather than cowing us, they’ve made us even more resolute; rather than diminishing my opportunities to talk to people around the country, they’ve increased them.

If you can help in this effort, every little bit is appreciated.

I’ve always believed we have the best readers of any outlet anywhere, and your warmth, good humor, and support during this sorry episode have only reinforced that conviction.

Thank you so very much.

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