The Corner

The Let Women What Act?

Just got this from Kelly Ward of the DCCC:

Jonah — This is beyond the pale. Republican Congressman Todd Akin told a local television station yesterday that victims of “legitimate rape” don’t get pregnant.

In his words, “If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”Tell Speaker Boehner to immediately denounce Akin’s outrageous “legitimate rape” statement and remove Akin from the House Science Committee >>

This isn’t just an isolated statement. Akin was a co-sponsor of the “Let Women Die” bill that would redefine rape to so-called “forcible rape” to deny women access to health care. And now, Akin wants to head to the Senate to push his extreme anti-woman agenda.

We have to stand up against Akin immediately — please add your name:

Thank you, Kelly

Kelly Ward DCCC Political Director

So, the “Let Women Die” bill doesn’t get a “so-called” as a modifier but “forcible rape” does?

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