The Corner


Let Her Live!

Taylor Swift attracted the ire of commentators this week after she was named Time‘s 2023 Person of the Year. The Federalist‘s Evita Duffy writes about the “insufferable” singer’s latest honor:

Taylor Swift is the definition of a naive basic b-tch. Come the 2024 election, Democrats will use her to shill for Joe Biden (again), a candidate not preferred by the young leftists she has influence over.

It’s not just her politics that the media and Democrats love about Swift, it’s her lifestyle. It’s true that Swift is currently dating Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. But the match that feels almost made by Pfizer and fawned over by the corporate media will inevitably disintegrate, as all of Swift’s relationships do. Then she’ll be back to spitefully crooning about why her ex sucks and she “doesn’t need a man.”

National Review‘s femmes fatales Abigail Anthony and Kayla Bartsch have discussed Tay-Swiz ad nauseam, so I’ll just say this: Taylor’s music, repetitive and unoriginal as it might be, stems from her deep desire for and in the interest of love. It seems to me a triumph that the most popular singer of this decade isn’t the one who tells women to “f*** n****s, get money” or twerks on OnlyFans or worships the devil. The lesser evil, as Swift may be, isn’t necessarily a standard to which we should aspire, but if Swift’s biggest crime is her predictability, count me impressed.

Shame the pop singers who decry love and not the ones who create an empire out of bad luck and relatable heartbreak. Leave the girl to her cats and football boyfriend. Maybe even give Swift a little credit for jump-starting the global economy and making millions of people happy — mediocre chords be damned.

Haley Strack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Hillsdale College.
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