The Corner

Let The Explaining Begin

Howard Kurtz on the battle to define the meaning of the election. This is as good a spot as any (since Kurtz quotes me) to clarify and expand my position. I wrote a syndicated column which was perfectly caught up in the momentary hubub about the values issue turnout. I just re-read it and don’t disagree with anything I wrote. However, I do think the values thing was overblown. The data don’t show that it was as crucial as people thought at first. But, I think part of the hysteria was the result of liberals soothing their bruised egos by convincing themselves Republican voters are barbarians. I would have no problem with the moral values factor being exactly as important as, say, Maureen Dowd fears it is. I just think that’s a hard case to make. As David Brooks noted on Saturday and James Q. Wilson notes today.

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