The Corner

Let the B-Word Be

Maybe it’s something about a man who has worn the Navy uniform, but I’m enjoying watching John McCain defend his right not to apologize for answering the question posed by a South Carolinian at a town hall this week: “Can we beat the bitch?”

I wouldn’t use “bitch” to describe my junior senator and former First Lady — she certainly does deserve more respect than that (anyone does!) — but it wasn’t McCain who used the word. McCain’s response to the question was a natural awkwardness, quickly making a little joke of it, smoothly moving on to the serious issue at hand: Hillary Clinton is not inevitable and can be beaten.

Earlier this month, we watched Hillary brilliantly change the subject away from her debate two-timing on immigration to the “woman issue” — using a male adviser to do her don’t-beat-up-on-the-girl dirty work, keeping her hands off it (a point I make in my most recent syndicated column).

This week, in whatever a small show, Senator McCain demonstrated he’s not afraid to take on a formidable candidate who happens to be a woman. I think there was something likable and effective about his response to that “excellent question” and certainly nothing outrageous.

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