The Corner

Legal Si, Illegal No

I mused in a post yesterday that there would be no logical contradiction in

being hostile to illegal immigration while favoring higher levels of legal

immigration. However (I said) human nature being what it is, this was

probably a pretty rare combination of opinions.

Not at all. I have had several e-mails from people who hold exactly those

positions, and can justify them very cogently. Says one of them (an

immigrant himself, like so many who are steamed about this, for reasons I

have already explained): “I defend my immigration position — fewer

illegals, a lot more legals — on the grounds that it is in the U.S.’

interest to attract as many talented and driven people, as much as these

people deserve the chance to come here, adapt and integrate.”

Now here’s a question for John Podhoretz or any of the other

anti-”anti-immigrant” folk: Is a person of this cast of mind — a person,

that is, who favors zero tolerance on illegal immigration but much more

legal immigration — “anti-immigrant”?

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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