The Corner

Lebowski Factoid

Still they come in. This one is positively creepy. Note that the movie was

made in 1998.

“Derb—In the beginning of the movie, the Dude is buying some half&half at

Ralph’s grocery Store. George Bush is on TV saying ‘Saddams aggression will

not stand.’ The Dude writes a check for like $1.68. The date on the check

is 9/11/1991 — i.e. the 10-year pre-aniversary of 9/11.”

All right, I’m convinced The Big Lebowski was divinely inspired.

(Not really. You can read anything into anything. I passed a comment on

the movie Cool Hand Luke once & got a very long email from a person proving

that CHL was actually an allegory on the Gospels. I forget the details, but

it was pretty convincing.

“Oh, I don’t care if it rains or freezes

Long as I got my plastic Jesus

Sittin’ on the dashboard of my car….”)

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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