The Corner


Kathryn, re that German condom ad, okay, I’ll bite:

If they ever do a dystopian movie about the death of Germany they should have a giant version of one of those Euro-condoms sticking up out of the sand like the finale of Planet of the Apes as the Teuton version of Charlton Heston (Helmut Berger?) sinks to his knees.

No country has ever been less in need of condoms. Thirty percent of German women are childless. So, if the ad campaign works, maybe we can get that percentage up to 45-50! Woo-hoo! Who’ll be around to pay for all those lavish German social programs in 20 years’ time? Come to that, how many sexually active men and pre-menopausal women will there be in need of this company’s product?

Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden, whom apparently fetching young frauleins are terrified of being knocked up by, doesn’t need to sweet-talk you out of your dirndl. By 2002, it was estimated he had over two dozen kids. And lots of fellows who take his view on procreation are now imams at German mosques. You do the math.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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