The Corner

Dick Durbin Accuses Republicans of Making Loretta Lynch ‘Sit in the Back of the Bus’

Speaking on the Senate floor this morning, Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) called Republicans’ decision to delay attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch’s confirmation vote “fundamentally unfair” and likened it to the treatment of Rosa Parks.

Durbin said that Lynch, “the first African-American woman nominated to be attorney general, is [being] asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the Senate calendar.”

“That is unfair, it’s unjust,” he continued. “This woman deserves fairness.”

Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has said he will wait to hold a vote on Lynch until Democrats allow passage of a human-trafficking bill they are currently holding up in the Senate. They have blocked the bill due to language that would prevent federal funding for abortion.​

Lynch, who President Obama selected to replace outgoing attorney general Eric Holder, has been awaiting a confirmation vote for more than three months. Democrats have become increasingly perturbed with the delay.

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