The Corner


Latest Super Tuesday Poll Results

Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden talk during the Democratic primary debate in Charleston, S.C., February 25, 2020. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Joe Biden’s victory in South Carolina gives the former vice president a needed boost ahead of the Super Tuesday primaries. The latest RealClear Politics polling averages for Super Tuesday states nevertheless appear favorable for Bernie Sanders, though the impact of tonight’s results are not yet reflected in the polling data.  The latest Super Tuesday polling averages from RCP (in states with sufficient data):

California (415 delegates) — 1: Sanders, 35.3 percent. 2: Warren, 17 percent. 3: Biden, 11 percent.

Texas (228 delegates) — 1: Sanders, 28.3. 2: Biden, 20.3 percent. 3: Bloomberg 19.7 percent.

North Carolina (110 delegates) —  1: Biden, 25 percent. 2: Sanders, 22 percent. 3: Bloomberg, 17 percent.

Virginia (99 delegates) — 1: Sanders, 25 percent. 2: Bloomberg, 19.5 percent. 3: Biden, 18.5 percent.

Massachusetts (91 delegates) — 1: Sanders, 24.7 percent. 2: Warren, 20.7 percent. 3: Buttigieg, 13.3 percent.

Colorado (67 delegates) — 1: Sanders, 30.5 percent. 2: Warren, 17.5 percent. 3: Buttigieg, 13 percent.

Utah (29 delegates) — 1: Sanders, 27.5 percent. Tied for 2: Bloomberg, Warren, 14.5 percent.

Candidates need 1,991 delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination. Sanders holds a commanding lead in California and is comfortably ahead in Texas, though Joe Biden is within shouting distance. If moderate and conservative Democrats see Biden’s victory tonight as evidence that the former vice president is the most viable alternative to Bernie Sanders, it’s possible that some Bloomberg and Buttigieg voters will defect to Biden. While it’s unlikely to flip Texas in Biden’s direction, it could secure a victory in North Carolina.


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