The Corner

Last Night’s Debate

I just watched this morning, some stray thoughts (though I commend you to read the HillarySpot and Kate’s roundup too). 

* I agree entirely with Byron’s piece. And I also think that both Rudy the other day and Mitt Romney in a substantive way last night at Yeshiva are marked contrast to what the Dems have to offer. That said, Mike Gravel may have convinced me that the democratic frontrunners might not be disasters on Iran! Maybe they should keep him around.

* John Edwards spoke a truth of the night in his answer on abortion – elections matter, dudes. President nominate judges and judges have the power to kill … the Constitution (among others). (I added that last bit.)

* Did Dennis Kucinich use the phrase “culture of life”? Demonstrates how easy is could be for a pro-choice Dem to coopt that phrase – I bet Hillary can’t though, or she’d have hell to pay with the abortion-industry lobbyists (NOW, NARAL, etc…).

* On Kate’s moral-leader point … dude took way too long, but bringing in Elizabeth Edwards eventually makes it okay. Everyone loves Mrs. Edwards – from daily Kos hardcores to Laura Ingraham.

* I thought Chris Dodd’s maybe-my-girls-will-turn-out-to-be-gay comment odd. I know we live in a post-Will and Grace world and all, but we’re not that progressive.

* Brian Williams asked: If two American cities were hit simultaneously by al Qaeda while were here ….he would have never asked that question if he didn’t watch 24. Culture matters.

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