The Corner


Last Night Was Inevitable, It Was Just a Question of When

President Joe Biden speaks during the debate with former president Donald Trump in Atlanta, Ga., June 27, 2024. (Brian Snyder/Reuters)

What we saw last night was destined to happen at some time, and likely sooner rather than later. The effects of old age on a sitting president can only be obscured for so long. Teleprompters, note cards, short taped appearances — eventually, Joe Biden was going to be in a public setting for a long stretch and show that he had trouble speaking in complete sentences, that he frequently loses his train of thought, and that he can’t remember basic facts. (A particularly egregious example from last night: “The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this – this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.” Afghanistan? Jordan?) Many of us noticed these troubling signs in Biden for a long time, years, going back to the “basement campaign” of 2020.

What’s fascinating is that Jill Biden, the president’s inner circle, the Democratic Party and a lot of their media allies were absolutely convinced that Biden’s frailties could be hidden until after the election. The sheer arrogance and hubris are jaw-dropping. This is akin to being convinced that you can persuade the American electorate that two plus two equals five just long enough to win a second term.

When did they think Biden’s condition would get so bad, it could no longer be hidden or spun? His second inauguration? Sometime in 2025?

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