The Corner


Lara Trump, RNC Co-chair, Prepares for the Election with a New Music Video

When Donald Trump installed his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, as co-chair of the Republican National Committee, he assuredly picked the best person for the job. Her qualifications to run one of the two major American political parties are impeccable: She studied at the French Culinary Institute in New York, and her last name is Trump.

Now, she is vindicating her supporters by spending the crucial months ahead of the election by releasing fresh music videos! Alongside Madeline Jaymes, she recently released “Hero,” a moving (read: cringe-inducing) tribute to firefighters. If you want to be inspired (read: inspired to stab your eyeballs and tear your ears off), feel free to check the whole thing out below. It’s an important reminder of the amazing things our Republican Party leaders are up to in these pivotal times.

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