The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Warren’s Gov’t Shutdown Threat a ‘Festival of Hypocrisy’

What should one think of Elizabeth Warren’s brinksmanship over the cromnibus bill last night? “Spectacular hypocrisy, a festival of hypocrisy,” says Charles Krauthammer.

“And, of course, the media loves it when it’s a liberal Democrat who leads the fight, she’s a ‘principled’ politician,” Krauthammer said on Friday’s Special Report. “Whereas when it’s Ted Cruz, he’s a terrorist, essentially.”

Although Krauthammer is not convinced that Warren will run in 2016, “her star is rising,” he said, “and the hero worship of the media is beginning. This sort of sounds and feels a bit like the early Obama years, between 2004 and 2008. This week, coming up to Wednesday, when the Senate is going to have to decide this [spending bill], will be remembered as the beginning of her campaign, whenever it is. Because she’s going to be now the center of attention.”

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