The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Tired of Clinton Foundation Lies? Expect Eight More Years of Them If We Elect Hillary.

Former president Bill Clinton followed up his attempted weekend defense of the Clinton Foundation scandal with another interview, this time on CNN — and, says Charles Krauthammer, may have made things worse.

First, President Clinton:

President Clinton (now) claims that the Clinton Foundation’s problematic tax filings (the organization was forced to refile last month) was an “accident,” that “everybody admits that we’re the most transparent of all of the presidential foundations and more transparent than a lot of private foundations,” and that Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash, admitted that “he didn’t have a shred of evidence” for the book’s claims.

Said Charles Krauthammer on Wednesday’s Special Report: “That whole sound bite, I don’t think there was a shred of that sound bite that was true. I mean, everything in it was false. He said that the author [Schweizer] had no evidence, admitted he had no evidence. Not true. It [the errant tax filing] was an accident. Yesterday he said there was a guy who put the information in the wrong box, and now he says we have no idea how this information was left out.”

“It’s sort of amusing,” Krauthammer said, “It reminds you of what they said about a lot of other stuff, [what] they lied about consistently in the Nineties. This is just a guarantee that if we elect Hillary, we’re going to get this for another eight years.”

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