The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Obamacare’s Demise Will Come at the Hands of Dems

Obamacare’s demise will come at the hands of Democrats, Charles Krauthammer said Thursday night.

“Had it been delivered by Republicans before it was enacted with defunding or any other measure, liberals would have said, ‘for a hundred years we tried to get national healthcare and the Republicans have thrown orphans in the snow again,” Krauthammer said on Special Report.

“The Senate Democrats who are up for reelection next year are in a panic. They have been quiet—they’re not going to remain quiet when the website is not working in December, when tens of millions of cancelations are going to go out next year among people who have employer provided insurance,” he said, predicting a revolt among Democrats that would do a decade of damage to Obama-style liberalism.

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