The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Tuesday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On Rick Perry’s performance in Monday night’s Republican debate:

If he continues to have unfortunate debates like this, it will eat into his lead. … In the beginning of debate, he had the loudest applause. It was his audience. [Yet] he actually lost it on points.

On Ron Paul getting booed after his remarks about 9/11:

Well, that’s because it’s a rather extreme position, and it isn’t even logical. There’s nobody who claims that the entire Islamic world is responsible [for 9/11]. The argument of the Bush administration — [and] the Obama administration — in pursuing terrorists is: There’s a small element in Islam, but a deadly one, that killed a lot of the people on 9/11 and at other times. And we have to actually make war on it.

It’s not acting because of our sins. It’s acting because of a particular ideology in which it wants Islamic dominance of the whole world.

Look, in the last debate Ron Paul argued against the fence with Mexico — [among] other reasons … that it might be used to keep Americans in!

Now, that is simply weird.

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