The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Wednesday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On the budget negotiations that Vice President Biden has said are being highly accelerated:

Only in Washington can you say “around the clock three days a week” and not be ridiculed.

I think it’s clear that Republicans have to get one thing. They have to get a buy-in by the president on some entitlement reform. That means on Medicare.

What the Democrats want is a Republican buy-in on raising revenue. That doesn’t mean raising the rates. Republicans will not raise rates. But there is $1.1 trillion in tax expenditures [available for cutting], for example, on ethanol subsidies that are useless. You cut them out.

Eight people in the country will say it is a tax increase. It’s not.

I think you could get a settlement.

On President Obama’s joke that “Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected” and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s remarks on the economy:

I don’t think it [Obama’s joke] was silly. I think it was revealing. It’s … a definition of detached, the way he talks about his $1 trillion stimulus, the largest in American history, which he is admitting he didn’t understand and that he was wrong in predicting what it would do — to keep us under 8 percent [unemployment].

Second, I wouldn’t end the Republican ad with Debbie Wasserman Schultz saying, “We own the economy.” I would include the part in which she says: “We have to continue the pace of recovery.”

I would have one number on the screen after that: “1.8 percent [growth] — Is that what you want for America?”

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