The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Monday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On the Obama administration announcing it will try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four co-conspirators before a military commission at Guantanamo:

Well, this is a complete capitulation of this administration and a vindication of the Bush administration. Look at all of the elements. Despite the fact the Obama administration said Congress made me do it, Gitmo remains open and the Patriot Act is apparently patriotic. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be tried in a military commission. They [the military commissions] are revived after a scandalous 17-month hiatus and so that Eric Holder and Obama can rediscover the wheel.

And that is the architecture of the war on terror, all of the infrastructure that the Bush administration put together and Democrats attacked as tearing up the constitution and as an attempt by the Bush-Cheney administration to augment the power of the presidency. Now Obama has adopted the wheel.

And it is successful. It kept us safe. We haven’t had an outside attack of anywhere near that in a decade. It is now been vindicated by the adoption by the Obama administration. I think that this is a tribute to how the Bush administration — from the standing start after 9/11 and with very few precedents — got it right. It would be nice for the Obama administration to acknowledge it. It won’t — but it did in deed. …

The mechanism and apparatus was in place in Gitmo to have the [KSM] trial and now it will be resumed. The importance of the fact that Congress opposed it and public opinion opposes it is that there is a difference between a common criminal and a war criminal. And KSM is the latter and should be treated as a war criminal.

What is good about all of this even though it took a year and couple of months is it is the new norm. We’ll not have these absurd delays and debates anymore. It’s over.

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