The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Wednesday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On Marine Corps Commandant James Conway’s criticism of the July 2011 deadline for Afghanistan as “giving our enemy sustenance”:

I think it’s absolutely astonishing. This is a serving soldier, the leader of the Marine Corps, the commandant, who’s basically saying that his commander-in-chief has given sustenance, which is a polite way of saying aid[ing] and abetting the enemy. …

And the more interesting element of this is not just that it’s his opinion, but he cites evidence from intercepted communications where they [Taliban fighters] tell each other: We [just] have to wait [the Americans] out. And you notice he doesn’t cite a contrary communication [in] which a guy says: “Oh Ahmed, I watched the secretary of defense on ABC News, and he walked it back.” That level of analysis doesn’t exist in Afghanistan.

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