The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Friday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On whether the Chinese will seek to mitigate increasing tensions between North Korea and the United States:

I think we know the answer. The answer is that China is not going to act on our behalf. I’m pleased that the administration — as the former [Bush] administration — after a while of trying, realizes that China has no interest in helping us or taming its allies in Pyongyang. It’s a useful thorn in our side.

They also don’t want the consequences of what would happen to them if there were a collapse of the regime and a flood of refugees. So they have every interest in maintaining it as a problem [for the U.S.].

On the Tea Party Caucus being established in Congress:


I think it’s risky for the members of Congress … If anyone on the fringe of the movement says anything odd, loony, or extreme, they will ask for a reaction. If Rand Paul reiterates his questions about the Civil Rights Act, they’re going to ask Michele Bachmann. So I think it’s an unnecessary association in an election year where the Republicans already have the wind at their back.


On the ethics charges against Charlie Rangel:


The Democrats are very afraid of this trial in September. Remember, the administration began with the theme that Democrats lay taxes but don’t pay them. Geithner, Tom Daschle, etc., and this would remind people of that theme … Charlie Rangel was the head of the tax-writing committee.


It reminds them of “Democrats don’t pay taxes” as a theme. That’s not what Democrats want to have in an election year when they are losing anyway.

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