The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Thursday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On President Obama’s speech on immigration:

He says … we don’t want the Arizona law because we don’t want a patchwork of laws, we need a national standard.

We have a national standard! It’s the existing law, which he isn’t enforcing.

And what he’s doing is exactly what [Jon] Kyl had said Obama had said to him. Whether or not he said it isn’t important. The fact is that Democrats are holding enforcement hostage in order to get a bargain on amnesty — [contrary to] their constitutional duties. They should enforce the border.

Obama said a fence is not going solve the whole problem. Nobody pretends it will. It won’t solve the problem of the 11 million [illegal immigrants] already here. But it will solve the problem of new [illegal] immigrants from the south. And if you solve that, you’d get a national consensus on a humane offer of amnesty and legalization.

On Bill Clinton’s endorsement of Colorado Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff against Obama-backed Michael Bennet:

We have stirrings here of a dynastic rivalry of not quite Shakespearean proportions, but it will get there. The rivalry between Clinton and Obama is old and well known. I think Bill himself was really wounded by the one statement that Obama made in 2008 where he said Reagan was the president of historic consequence and Clinton was not. It enraged Clinton. I don’t think he forgets easily.

Secondly, we have a tradition here where for ex-presidents we get nostalgic and they become popular in time. Look at the elder Bush. Even though he lost the reelection he became extremely popular afterwards. Bill, himself, is extremely popular. And his wife, [who is] secretary of state — and has done nothing of consequence as secretary of state — is therefore quite popular. …

I think this [Clinton’s Colorado endorsement] is not a challenge, not a conspiracy, not a declaration of war. It’s I think the Clintons putting up a flag in the corner of the [battle] field as a way of saying: We have been here, we’re still here. If you need us, we’re ready — we’re tan, rested, and ready for the future. …

I would never underestimate the ambition and sense of entitlement of the Clintons. Look, Obama — if he continues to sink in popularity, and if he is in trouble next year, and they have the polls with Hillary against the Republican, Obama against the Republican — she will be ahead by 15 points, and they’ll start thinking.

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