The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Friday’s Fox News All-Stars.

On the murders at Fort Hood:

The question here is who is this guy? The family has been out preemptively to portray him as an ordinary man, a victim of anti-Islamic prejudice and taunting.

On the other hand, there are other kids of allegations, (a) that he made postings on websites sympathizing with suicide attacks, (b) other allegations that as a psychiatrist he tried to proselytize his patients, which I can say (if true) as a psychiatrist, is the highest ethical crime and abuse of authority and the weakness of a patient.

And lastly, the evidence by the base commander that he was heard saying “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “God is great” as he began shooting, which is the cry of al-Qaeda-like Islamist terrorists. We will learn if he’s a victim or a homegrown terrorist.

On the arm twisting President Obama used to get health care passed in the House:

It tells you how much in trouble health care is. [The Democrats have] this huge majority in the House, which essentially has Supreme Soviet rules — if you are the majority, you get what you want — and [still] they’re [the Democratic leadership] worried to death.

It’s because of the weakness of the bill, what a monstrosity it is.

Secondly, the election Tuesday where independents swung hugely — 30 percent margins — against the Democrats in part because of these huge spending programs.

And lastly, what you have is the administration getting numbers on unemployment today, and constituents asking: With unemployment over 10 percent, why are you creating a new entitlement that will have a half trillion in taxation? It makes no sense.

…Yes, it will pass in the House. Harry Reid in the Senate has said it is likely it will slip into 2010. If it does, it dies.

On the alleged secret IAEA report that Iran is working on new technology for a nuclear warhead:

If this is true, the real scandal here is the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, which has said that Iran had stopped its nuclear program in 2003. It was obvious at the time that it wasn’t so. It needs to be repealed, repudiated, and a new estimate put in place. It is scandalous.

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