The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: ‘I Thought the President Could No Longer Surprise Me. I Was Wrong’

On Thursday’s Special Report, Charles Krauthammer said he was shocked by President Obama’s statement that he doesn’t have a strategy for the Islamic State in Syria.

“Look, I thought that the president could no longer surprise me,” Krauthammer said. “I was wrong. He shocked me today. The President of the United States, in the middle of a real crisis, a few days after the beheading of an American, deliberately sort of spitting in the face of the country and demonstrating his cruelty, the president gets in front of the world and says, “I don’t have a strategy.” If that is true, don’t say anything. Why do you announce that you don’t have a strategy?”

But even worse than the president’s statement that he had no strategy to defeat the Islamic State, Krauthammer said, was his comment about Ukraine. Krauthammer summarized Obama’s comment on his strategy in Ukraine by saying Obama acknowledged that he had a strategy in Ukraine, which was “to do absolutely nothing.” 

“He basically said, ‘We’re going to do nothing. I’ll wait until I chat with the allies next week.’ I thought he had a phone,” Krauthammer said. “How about picking up the phone and talking with the allies? You know the phone is a way to communicate rather rapidly.”

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