The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Gitmo Detainees ‘Will Stay in Custody Until the Day They Die’

Guantanamo Bay is not a source of incitement, said Charles Krauthammer on Special Report, calling the idea “nonsense.” “There would be incitement if you kept them in the United States as well.”

There is nothing to be done with Gitmo prisoners, Krauthammer said. “These are people we can never release, and we can never have on trial, because all the evidence is gone.”

Bristling at the president’s renewed vow to close the Gitmo detention center in his national security speech last week, Krauthammer explained,

[Obama] has had four and a half years to work it out. The fact that he had nothing new to offer about it is indication that there is no answer. These people will always stay in custody until the day they die. The reason is that in war you capture combatants and you hold them until an armistice or a surrender. We are not going to have an armistice or surrender with al-Qaeda, and it’s not our doing. We would have it, but they won’t.


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