The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: ‘Christie is Now Hostage to the Truth’

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took to the podium today declaring that he did not know his aides had caused massive traffic delays in the town of For Lee. “If he did know about it, he’s toast,” Charles Krauthammer said on Thursday night. “Christie is now hostage to the truth.”

Whether he told the truth or not, Krauthammer said, the “Bridgegate” scandal will diminish people’s confidence in him. Potentially more harmful, however, is Christie’s own toughness. “Christie’s strength is how tough he is, but it can be a negative if the toughness is a petty toughness,” Krauthammer said.

With three years to 2016, Krauthammer doesn’t think the scandal will ultimately damage Christie’s presidential prospects, granted Christie was telling the truth. “I think if he told the truth he’ll put this behind him,” Krauthammer said.

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