The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Blame Clinton, Bush for N. Korea Nuke Threat, Not Obama

Charles Krauthammer says the Obama Administration deserves “a pass” on North Korea’s latest nuclear provocation; the blame is more rightly pegged on the Clinton and Bush Administrations.

“I don’t think there’s anything he could have done that would be different from what his predecessors did,” Krauthammer said on Wednesday’s Special Report. “In fact, I would argue that the Clinton and the bush administrations made things worse, they fed the North Koreans, they were hoodwinked into accepting all kinds of swaps and deals, which were useless. At least Obama stayed out of it.”

Krauthammer offered his proposal for how the U.S. can make a beneficial impact:

There’s only one way to affect what the North Koreans do. And that is through China. And China has no interest in squeezing off or strangling the regime. But China supplies the food and the fuel. How do we affect China? One way that we could do it, with a simple statement from the United States: ‘It shall be the policy of the United States to look favorably upon Japan and South Korea acquiring a nuclear deterrent and that we would give whatever assistance is required.’ End of statement. I can assure you, that will have an effect on China, which is the only player here that matters.

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