The Corner

Politics & Policy

Krauthammer’s Take: ‘Scaramooch, We Hardly Knew Ye’

Krauthammer's Take: 'Scaramouche--We Hardly Knew Ye'

Charles Krauthammer sees a change in the Trump administration. Now under the discipline of General Kelly, Krauthammer explained, the White House seems to have put the worst behind them.

It looks like the Trump Administration hit bottom last week, and it seems to have bounced off the bottom. Kelly is exerting his authority; he has been given authority. I have to say: Scaramooch, we hardly knew ye. Although I think he would be a better contestant on Dancing with the Stars than Spicey would, so I think it’s actually an upgrade for them.

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I would have imagined that Kelly would have demanded [a line of command]. He’s a guy from the Marines, he’s a guy of order—and he’s been an orderly guy for fifty years. That he would demand that it all goes through him, I think then you have the beginnings of a White House that can really function. I think it will be a test as to whether Jared and Ivanka are exempt from that, perhaps they will be, perhaps not. Kelly obviously must have felt that he was given the authority to do what he has to do, to seize control of the White House. If that is true and if the president will allow Kelly some control over the President’s own unrestrained impulses—i.e. tweeting—I think that will be a tremendous advance and give this administration a chance of succeeding.


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