The Corner

Politics & Policy

Kids Celebrate the End of Forced Masking

Students raise their hands to answer a question at Kratzer Elementary School in Allentown, Pa., April 13, 2021. (Hannah Beier/Reuters)

This clip, posted by Courtney Holland of the Nevada Young Republicans, who says it came from a “Las Vegas elementary school,” is going viral, with good reason:

Say it with me: Forced masking of kids is child abuse, it’s largely a Democratic Party policy pushed not just by politicians and by obviously awful political animals such as Randi Weingarten, but also by all those seemingly nice, nonpartisan women doctors such as Leana Wen who keep appearing on CNN to push the latest Democratic Party line.

Forced masking of children is mass, state-sanctioned child abuse. We should never stop repeating this message. There was never any evidence for it, comparable European countries don’t do it, and even the WHO doesn’t recommend it.

One of the D.C. newsletters sent out this week claims that after their supercharged gerrymandering policies actually gained them some districts in the House, Democrats are semi-optimistic about their chances of retaining control of Congress in the fall. One of their hopes is that, after their ineffective yet draconian slate of nonsensical Covid restrictions comes to an end, the voters will forget what we’ve all been put through as quickly as if we’ve all been zapped with one of those memory-erasing sticks from Men in Black.

As the Democrats finally start to let our children take off their masks, let’s not forget what they’ve done. Democrats must be severely punished at the polls and have power taken away from them so that they can never do this again.

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