The Corner


Feminists Have No Problem Making Fun of Karen Pence’s Small Business

Feminist writers and lefty websites will defend women they like without question. They will quote Madeleine Albright’s infamous “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women” line the moment one of their heroines or standard bearers are criticized.

But when it comes to conservative women, their “open minds” quickly close, as do — apparently — the gates of hell. The Left’s loathsome hypocrisy was on full display as self-proclaimed “feminist” writers opened fire on GOP vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, this week.

Karen Pence owns a business called “That’s My Towel!” She sells towel charms to hook onto beach towels, like wine glass charms, to distinguish similar looking towels at the beach or the pool. It may not be the next Yeti, but it’s her entrepreneurial venture — and she should be commended for it.

The Huffington Post, JezebelFusion and even Forbes are just a few outlets who chose to mockingly spotlight Pence’s business, which has reportedly been “on hold” since her husband was chosen as Donald Trump’s VP pick.

The writers making fun of Mrs. Pence clearly find themselves all too clever as they take cheap digs at another woman’s small business venture. Such bored “journalists” can find nothing of actual substance to dish about the Pences, who appear to be a loving, principled, drama-free family.

No doubt, these same outlets will bemoan the travesties of sexism next week when some conservative calls Hillary Clinton a liar. I’ll be happy to remind them of that time they took glee in stomping on a another female’s business venture because they could find absolutely nothing negative about her to gossip about.

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