The Corner

Just in Time for the Commercial Paperback Edition!

Banquo’s Ghosts, the heart-pounding thriller, is now out in a tiny, airport-worthy paperback edition. As it happens, The Weekly Standard has just run a review that might have seemed in most circumstances exceptionally late (although it meets the wedding-gift standards of within the year). But it’s actually perfectly timed and a rave by the very gifted Noemie Emery. Here’s the beginning:

Imagine a Christopher Buckley novel set in the world of 24 and Jack Bauer, and you have Banquo’s Ghosts, the fiction debut of National Review’s Rich Lowry (along with Keith Korman) — which is really two genres in one. A Buckley novel takes political life and tweaks it ever so slightly so that it comes out just like itself — if not more so — and Ghosts, by this standard, does not disappoint.

Read the whole thing here, and please pick up Banquo on the way to your flight or, in a few months, the beach.

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