The Corner

“Jonah, You Ignorant Slut”

From a reader:

I thought to let your 2001: A Space Odyssey comment pass as merely an unseemly troll, but now you taunt me? Listen, buddy 2001 is one of the BEST movies ever done, created by the two brightest minds of their genres, Kubrick and Clarke. It was good, it IS good and it WILL BE good, as it was in the beginning, now and ever shall be, world without end, AMEN! Good Lord man, what’s wrong with you!?

Now I agree that Alien and Aliens are superb films. I believe Aliens is the BEST sequel ever made! It has the second best movie put-down in history:

Hudson: “Hey, Vasquez, anyone ever confuse with a man?”

Vasquez: “No Hudson, anyone ever confuse YOU with one?”

From start to finish both films are wonderful excursions….BTW I recommend the fan-boy work Aliens: The Colonial Marine Technical Manual by Lee Brimmicombe-Wood. It will tell you more about the pulse rifle, the smart gun, the M-577 APC, the UD-4 Drop ship or the Sulaco than you might care to know… not more than I cared to know, but that says more about ME than anything else I guess.

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