The Corner

John McCain Is Happy to Be Extorted

This Salon interview with John McCain sheds a lot of light, I’m afraid, on what advocates of so-called comprehensive immigration reform are thinking:

If I could switch gears for a second and turn to immigration reform, I saw you mention on CNN the other day that you’re pleading with the president not to issue an executive order quite yet

Here’s my logic, real quick. My logic is that [Speaker Boehner] has now gained a larger number of members which, I believe — and I’ve been told by people around him — would allow him to override the hardcore people who under no circumstances would agree to any reform. I’m not sure he can do that … I think it’s possible that they would take it up in some form or another …

Why couldn’t the president wait two, three, four months and then act with [an] executive order? At least give this new Congress some opportunity to act, and then, if he still feels that frustrated, then I still don’t agree with it, but I understand why he would do it. You see my point?


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