The Corner

John McCain, a Big and ‘Lucky’ Life

My guest on Q&A today is Senator John McCain. He has led an extraordinarily big life. We talk about some of it: Vietnam, the 2008 presidential campaign. He talks about Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, and some other figures.

We talk about Iran, of course, and Israel, Syria, Libya, China, and several other places. We talk about wars past and present (and, possibly, future). Did the U.S. betray the people of South Vietnam? Is the world set for a terrible conflagration (a polite, too-poetic word for “war”)?

McCain is, as usual, blunt in this interview. He describes himself as the luckiest man alive, and rattles off the reasons for it. (He survived the torture chambers in Vietnam and much else.) He says he wakes up grateful to God every day. Whatever your politics, you will find a half-hour spent in his company damn interesting. Check it out.

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